Your best bet is just to learn how to suffer existence. "What might have been and what has been point to one end, which is always present." I got no interest in who,what,why of your past. In order to know a person u have to know the whole package. It doesn't matter everything resets & people don't remember. We remember, we have to deal with the things we do. This was always a good day here. U got to find ur Irvine. I can survive just fine without u, but there's a chance that this life can be a little less mundane with u in it. What if we get sick of each other? We're already. It's the best.
越来越无趣的时候音乐剧特辑还是让我找到好看的感觉 希德姐妹帮和近乎正常感觉是电视剧把音乐剧点唱机制作了 .........................分割线.............................. 弃了